Welcome to Double E Motors (Service) Ltd
Did You Know?
At Double E Motors (Service) Ltd buying a vehicle has never been easier!
- Sales & Service in one location!
- All vehicles are safety inspected!
- Free CARFAX history reports for every vehicle!
- Friendly, helpful customer service!
- Vehicle Financing and Extended Warranty available! Low Interest Rates OAC!
You can also count on us to maintain the vehicle you purchase!
We offer full service maintenance and advice direct from our mechanic for all of your vehicle needs. Come and see us today!
We purchased a vehicle through Double E motors this spring. We found the exact vehicle we were looking for at a very competitive price. Purchasing our vehicle and having Double E motors sell our old vehicle saved us so much time, effort and hassle. We are very happy to support a local business who gives so much to our community- thank you!
Lilla and Marc - Canmore
What an amazing place to buy a vehicle. These guys truly defined the "no pressure sales" environment. They know their product very well, and were totally upfront when it came to the vehicle, pricing, and financing. If you want a reliable vehicle, superb customer service, and a chill place to sort out the finances, this is the dealership for you. I would absolutely head to these guys again!
Ryley B - Calgary, AB
Recently purchased a used car through Double E Motors. They made the process easy and fun, we would definitely buy through them again!
Kayla H - Calgary