Welcome to Double E Motors (Service) Ltd
Did You Know?
At Double E Motors (Service) Ltd buying a vehicle has never been easier!
- Sales & Service in one location!
- All vehicles are safety inspected!
- Free CARFAX history reports for every vehicle!
- Friendly, helpful customer service!
- Vehicle Financing and Extended Warranty available! Low Interest Rates OAC!
You can also count on us to maintain the vehicle you purchase!
We offer full service maintenance and advice direct from our mechanic for all of your vehicle needs. Come and see us today!
You are radically different to communicate with than any other car dealer.
KG - Canmore
Kimberley and Erdem's sterling reputation precedes them, and when I worked with them to purchase my car, they proved it all to be true. They went above and beyond to ensure that I was happy with the vehicle, and that it came to me in the best possible condition. It's my pleasure to vouch for their integrity, honesty, and dedication to customer satisfaction.
Sabrina - Canmore - Canmore
It was a pleasure dealing with Kimberly in purchasing my vehicle. She made the process straightforward and was very helpful in all the recommendations she made. i requested several accessories and she took care of all the details. As well I have called a couple of times with questions and she is always available. Great service and care.
Mary S - Exshaw - Exshaw